
Welcome to the third annual Essex County Learning Community Summer Institute!

Due to the pandemic, this year’s Summer Institute is a three-day virtual affair on August 4,5, and 6. Our theme,"Cultivating Belonging and Resilience in Uncertain Times,” was developed with the challenging conditions before us and a new virtual world in mind. This year, the Summer Institute is open to members of Cohorts 1 and 2 – with special guests from other districts and organizations joining us as well.

The 11 district members of our learning community have told us that their primary areas of interest are mental health, trauma, and equity; we are delighted to introduce a star-studded cast of expert guest faculty who will be representing these fields in response. In addition to interactive sessions on these topics, this year’s Summer Institute features live music, role-alike conversations, and designated virtual “rooms” for each district team to spend time together to plan and strategize for a new school year filled with unprecedented challenges and opportunities.

Why Belonging and Resilience?

The need to belong is a fundamental human motivation, made even clearer during a time of crisis. We could get everything else right—but if educators and students lack a sense of belonging, very little will stick. Now is an ideal time to prioritize belonging; without it, people will never have the opportunity to fully heal from the collective trauma we are experiencing. Resilience results from a feeling of belonging. According to neuroscientists, the single most common factor for children who develop resilience is at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive parent, caregiver, or other adult. The combination of supportive relationships with skill-building and positive experiences is the foundation of resilience. The good news is that resilience can be developed at any age, throughout the lifetime, and despite the most challenging circumstances.

Educators are facing – and will continue to face – conditions that were previously unimaginable by most in our lifetime. Understanding the importance of belonging and resilience, and recognizing how they can be operationalized in districts, schools, and classrooms for both educators and students, is the sacred work that we embrace together.

ECLC and the Summer Institute have been made possible by the Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation, to whom we extend our heartfelt appreciation.

The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation

The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation is a family foundation that supports and collaborates with nonprofit organizations and community partners that share its mission of helping children, adolescents, and young people affected by intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, mental health issues, and substance use disorders. Their work is focused in Western New York and Eastern Massachusetts, areas that are important to the Tower family.

In keeping with the Tower Family’s original vision, the foundation believes that every young person deserves a chance to reach their highest potential and a chance to overcome barriers to their version of success. We know that many of the individuals who are impacted by these issues are often overlooked and stigmatized, creating additional challenges.

We see our role as more than just a funder. In addition to financial support, we help organizations build their capacity to help people, we create connections between collaborators and resources, and we leverage our assets with other funders. Our goal is to make the greatest possible impact on young people striving to achieve their own definition of success.

The Tower Foundation envisions equitable communities where all young people are included, accepted, and valued; and are confident in themselves. The Tower Foundation highly values: Diverse Voices – The foundation listens to and learns from those with different points of view and perspectives. They seek to be proximate with the communities they serve – continually engaging in respectful conversation and incorporating what they hear into our work. Collaboration – The foundation understands that in order to make progress, they must build relationships with their partners and share knowledge, resources, expertise, and strategies. Innovation – The foundation embraces change and is willing to take risks, recognizing the potential for transformative effect. They look for opportunities to try new and creative strategies and encourage others to do the same. Perseverance – The foundation recognizes that change work can be slow and challenging. They are committed to the long-term improvement of organizations and communities. Picture

Essex County Community Foundation

Essex County Community Foundation inspires philanthropy that strengthens the communities of Essex County by managing charitable assets, strengthening and supporting nonprofits, and engaging in strategic community leadership initiatives. Our ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life in the 34 towns and cities of Essex County.

We are also grateful to the Van Otterloo Foundation and to Linzee Coolidge for their magnanimous support of the Essex County Learning Community, and specifically, the 2020 ECLC Summer Institute.